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Saturday, 20 August 2011

How to Burn ISO file(Image of CD/DVD) in RHEL6?

When we use windows operating system we need to image burner software for burn the image but in linux world this work done by some simple commends.
<h3>Steps for burn iso(image of cd/dvd):</h3>
1. First of all image file of CD/DVD copy in any directory,For make simple we can create a directory on root(/: This is sign of root) and copy iso file in this directory.
                       #mkdir /Imagefile
                       #cp [source] [destination] ---> #cp /temp/rehl6.iso /Imagefile
2.Now we find the name and address of DVD/CD
                       #cdrecord -scanbus
          This commend use to know DVD/CD name and address for burn the image on this DVD/CD.

Cdrecord-Clone 2.01a34 (i686-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright (C) 1995-2004 Jrg Schilling
scsidev: 'ATA:'
devname: 'ATA'
scsibus: -1 target: -1 lun: -1
Warning: Using badly designed ATAPI via /dev/hd*
Linux sg driver version: 3.5.27
Using libscg version 'schily-0.8'.
1,0,0 100) 'SONY' 'CD-Writer' '1.0g'
1,1,0 101) *
1,2,0 102) *
1,3,0 103) *
1,4,0 104) *
1,5,0 105) *
1,6,0 106) *
1.7.0 107) *
           My device name is 1,0,0 
3. Now Burn the image(ISO file)
           # cdrecord -v -dao dev=1,0,0 file.iso 
 we can give speed with this commend this speed tell writing speed of viewer
            # cdrecord -v -dao dev=1,0,0 speed=8 file.iso

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